HOUR 11.30 am
The Romanian Academy Library, Calea Victoriei 125
HOUR 11.30 am
The Romanian Academy Library, Calea Victoriei 125
The „Praise of the Romanian Language” conference, held by Marco Lucchesi, writer, translator, member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters and president of the National Library of Brazil. The conference will be followed by the release of his volume, „Dor și Saudade”, which highlights „this magical consanguinity between Romanian and Portuguese – patrias and matrias, the same language saudade – dor, inexhaustible metaphysical reservoir”, as mentioned by the translator of the book, Dinu Flămând , in its foreword.
The event will be presented by Dr. Ioan Cristescu, general director of the National Museum of Romanian Literature. Speakers: Mircea Dumitru – vice-president of the Romanian Academy, Mihai Zamfir – honorary member of the Romanian Academy, Dinu Flămând – writer and translator.
HOUR 6.00 am
Aula of the „Carol I” Central University Library, Calea Victoriei 88
Official opening of the festival – Speeches
Ioan Cristescu, General Director of the National Museum of Romanian Literature (NMLR)
Mireille Rădoi, General Director of the „Carol I” Central University Library
Her Excellency Mrs. Marija Kapitanović, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia
Her Excellency Mrs. Lili Evangelia Grammatika, Ambassador of Greece to Romania
His Excellency Mr. Stefan Tomašević, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia
His Excellency Mr. Ricardo Guerra de Araújo, Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil
Mr. Ronaldo Lima Viera, councilor of the Federative Republic of Brazil
Laura Napolitano, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute, vice-president of EUNIC ROMANIA
Mircea Martin, full member of The Romanian Academy
Public readings: Antonella Anedda (Italy, video), Nora Iuga (Romania), Magda Cârneci (Romania), Denisa Comănescu (Romania), Marco Lucchesi (Brazil), Dumitru Crudu (Republic of Moldova), Kata Győrfi (Romania), Szántai János (Romania), Nicolae Prelipceanu (Romania), Octavian Soviany (Romania), Radu Vancu (Romania)
Moderator: Dinu Flămând, writer and translator
Porta Art Nova Nobilis Concert – P.A.N.N.
The artists of the Anton Pann Chamber Ensemble of Early Music will perform compositions signed by the great scholar, using instruments specific to the time in which they were composed – oud, kanun, ney, bendir, riq. During the concert, along with these specific instruments, the musicians will also perform on classical instruments, clarinet and cello, but also on the Niccolò Gagliano 1760 violin, property of the German state, the Baden-Württemberg land.
Dr. Constantin Răileanu – ensemble coordinator, voice and kanun (Romania), Dr. Alexandru Stoica – oud (Romania), Drd. Sabin Penea – violin (Romania), PhD. Andrei Nițescu – cello, Anatolian kemane (Romania), Ghassan Bouz – percussion (Lebanon), Jovan Sofronievski – clarinet, ney (Macedonia).
HOUR 8.00 pm
ARCUB, Big Hall, Lipscani Street 84 – 90
Poetic performance: Chris Tănăsescu aka Margento (Citizen of the Universe)
Margento Is Back. The #Graph-Poem Adventure
Presented by: Peter Sragher
HOUR 11 am
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Viorel Marineasa – 80
Guests: Viorel Marineasa, Ion Bogdan Lefter, Tudorel Urian, Bedros Horasangian, Livius Ciocârlie.
Moderator: Vasile Gribincea
HOUR 1 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Remember Ioan Es. Pop
Guests: Ion Mureșan, Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu, Teodor Dună, Bogdan Alexandru Stănescu, Merlich Saia.
Moderator: Ioan Cristescu
HOUR 2 pm
NMLR headquarter, Calea Griviței 64-66
The opening of „Dosoftei – 400” exhibition
Scholar, metropolitan of Moldova, poet and translator, Dosoftei was born on October 26, 1624, in Suceava. The „Dosoftei – 400” exhibition includes pages from Dosoftei’s Slavo-Romanian Psaltire, also known as the Psaltirea de-nțăles (1680), Psaltirea în versuri (1673), psalms from the Bible, The Life and Feast of the Saints (1682) and will be enriched with The Parimies and the Paschalia, important pieces from the Library of the Holy Synod. Also, an old religious book from the archive of the National Museum of Romanian Literature will be exhibited.
Participants: Ioan-Aurel Pop, Gheorghe Chivu, Arhimandritul Policarp Gabriel Chițulescu, Eugenia Oprescu, Nicolae Brânzea, Ioan Cristescu. Moderator: Eugenia Oprescu
HOUR 3 pm
Bucharest Metropolitan Library, 4 Tache Ionescu Street
HOUR 4 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Viewing the documentary exhibition Anton Pann – 170
The documentary exhibition is made on the occasion of the 170th commemoration of the writer’s death and presents images from his life and work.
The NMLR owns the „Anton Pann” Memorial House (Anton Pann Street 20), which can be visited by the general public from Tuesday to Sunday, between 10.00 and 18.00.
HOUR 5.30 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
António Fonseca Recital (Portugal) from Lusiade, by Luís Vaz de Camões
2024 marks the 500th anniversary since the birth of the writer Luís Vaz de Camões, Portugal’s most prominent poet and literary personality, author of the Lusiade epic, the most important Portuguese literary work.
Event organised in partnership with the Camões Institute.
HOUR 6 pm
Aula of the „Carol I” Central University Library, Calea Victoriei 88
„Life is a poem”
A complex performance, full of emotion, a harmonious encounter between verses written by Nichita Stănescu, Marin Sorescu, Lucian Blaga, Tudor Arghezi, Mihai Eminescu, Ion Barbu, Miron Radu Parachivescu, George Seferis (Georgios Seferiadis – poet and diplomat of Greek origin) and quality music.
Participants: Jezebel, Toma Enache, Sorin Slat and Alexandru Burcă – piano, Lucian Maxim – percussion. Graphics: Iulia Cutova; video-projections: Roxana Zidaru; Costumes: Adina Buzatu.
A show by Toma Enache, made with the support of BES Romania, manager Martha Maria Mocanu.
HOUR 6 pm
Goethe-Institut Library, Calea Dorobanți 32
Reading by Alexandru Bulucz in German
HOUR 6.30 pm
Carol Hall, Central University Library, Calea Victoriei 88
Conference held by Anca Vasiliu (Romania/France): Entre l’émoi et l’évidence: la dialectique du langage poétique. Homère, Platon et l’anonyme „Du sublime”
The conference will be held and heard in French.
Moderator: Dinu Flămând
HOUR 6.30 pm
Londohome, David Praporgescu 31
Debutantes’ night
Public readings: Cristina Alexandrescu, Ramona Boldizsar, Gabriel Cărtărescu, Daniel Coman, Vasile Gribincea, Daniil Iftime, Șerban Mihalache, Bogdan-Alexandru Petcu
Event coordinator and moderator: Radu Vancu
HOUR 6.30 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Guided tour of the permanent exhibition in English
HOUR 7 pm
Humanitas bookstore from Cişmigiu, Elisabeta Boulevard no. 38
Yaniv Iczkovits (Israel) book launch
Yaniv Iczkovits in dialogue with Simona Kessler, Ioana Petridean, Cătălin Striblea, moderator Denisa Comănescu, about his novel No one leaves Palo Alto, translated from Hebrew by Ioana Petridean, in the collection Denise’s Shelf of the Humanitas Fiction Publishing House
HOUR 7.30 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Public readings: Gabriel Chifu (Romania), Mihai Firică (Romania), Carolina Ilica (Romania), Maud Joiret (Belgium), Dimitris Kanellopoulos (Greece), Fulgencio Martinez (Spain), Ștefan Mitroi (Romania), Ion Mureșan (Romania), Bogdan O. Popescu (Romania), Osman Öztürk (Türkiye), Mihok Tamas (Romania), Grete Tartler (Romania), Liliana Ursu (Romania), Varujan Vosganian (Romania).
Moderator: Loreta Popa
HOUR 7.45 pm
Carol Hall, Central University Library, Calea Victoriei 88
Book launch „Dor și Saudade” [Longing and Saudade] by Marco Lucchessi
Moderator: Dinu Flămând, translator of the book from Portuguese
HOUR 8 pm
Temporary exhibitions hall of NMLR, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
The opening of Dorin Rachmuth photography exhibition
„Michelangelo Antonioni’s film Blow-up brought me to photography, but mostly a camera I received from my father when I was 16. Later, I discovered Julio Cortazar’s short story Funiga, which inspired the film. Apparently, it was renamed Blow-up. I identified myself with the photographer in the movie, in the hope – fear of discovering that things are not what they seem, then, that they are not what they are, then, that they don’t exist. Like Pinocchio, I faithfully follow the Cat and the Fox, looking for new and new lies – otherwise, the Fairy would forget about me. It seems to me that a man asleep in the park, a teenage girl smoking on the sly, a sad curtain over the sidewalk, and everyone else, are always there, frozen sphinxes waiting for me. Each with a question, which I don’t know how to answer. Then with another question. I stole their images, and I can’t break up with any of them: it’s my travel diary, and the exhibition – an invitation to the road. Some images have been deleted, the others are still confusing, they fight, they reconcile, we are staying together. Narrative photographer, as I like to call myself, I always try to lead the viewer beyond the gaze. I think that when this bet succeeds, the photographer’s gesture meets poetry.”
Presented by: Radu Băieșu
HOUR 8.30 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Nicu Alifantis Concert
HOUR 11 am
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Dialogue on Literature and War with Yaniv Iczkovits (Israel), Bruno Mazzoni (Italy) and Dinu Flămând (Romania)
HOUR 1 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Remember Traian T. Coșovei
Guests: Ioan Cărmăzan, Dan Mircea Cipariu, Ștefania Coșovei, Florin Iaru, Ion Bogdan Lefter, Bogdan O. Popescu, Cecilia Ștefănescu, Adrian Suciu
Moderator: Ioan Cristescu
HOUR 3 pm
ARCUB, Atelier Hall, Lipscani Street 84 – 90
Workshop in poetry & performance: From Page to Stage with Andy Willoughby (Great Britain)
Participants will develop solo and recital writing skills, performance technique, and slam group methods for collaborative teams.
Participation in the workshop is free, and access is based on the confirmation received after registration. The workshop will be held in English.
HOUR 3.30 pm
Bucharest Metropolitan Library, 4 Tache Ionescu Street
Public readings: Costinel Petrache, Liviu Capșa, Gabriel Burlacu, Mihaela Stanciu, Carmen Secere, Miruna Drăghici, Raluca Faraon, Florentina Chifu, Mihaela Oancea, Victoria Milescu, Valentin Busuioc, Dumitru Ioan Dincă.
Moderators: Evelyne Croitoru, Horia Gârbea.
HOUR 4 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Debate: How is Romania seen from outside
Guests: Carmen-Francesca Banciu, Bruno Mazzoni, Victor Ivanovici, Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu, Matei Vișniec
HOUR 5 pm
NMLR headquarters, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
The debate between tradition and modernity: its place in shaping a Romanian identity
Conference held by dr. Dennis Deletant
Presented by: Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu
HOUR 6 pm
Carol Hall, Central University Library, Calea Victoriei 88
Loreta Popa dialogue with Fulgencio Martinez and Simplu (Simple) book launch by Loreta Popa
Guests: Cătălina Beța and Adrian Naidin
HOUR 6.30 pm
NMLR headquarters, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Anthology of the Romanian Poetry presentation, curated by Dimitris Kanellopoulos (Greece)
Moderators: Dinu Flămând, Victor Ivanovici
HOUR 7.30 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Public readings: Carmen-Francesca Banciu (Romania/Germany), Alexandru Bulucz (Romania/Germany), Martina Caluori (Switzerland, video), Gelu Diaconu (Romania), Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu (Romania/Canada), Dumitru Păcuraru (Romania), Adrian Popescu (Romania), Radu Sergiu Ruba (România), Arcadie Suceveanu (Moldova), Eugen Suciu (Romania), János Szántai (Romania), Ioan T. Morar (Romania), Gelu Vlașin (Romania), Nina Vasile (România), George Vulturescu (Romania).
Moderator: Vasile Gribincea
Mircea Tiberian – Nadia Trohin Concert
HOUR 1 pm
NMLR Garden, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Remember Alexandru Mușina 70
Guests: Tania Mușina, Rodica Ilie, Adrian Lăcătuș, Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu, Ioan Șerbu.
Moderator: Ioan Cristescu
HOUR 4 pm
NMLR Garden, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Remember Emil Brumaru
Guests: Paul Cernat, Cosmin Ciotloș, Bogdan Crețu, Ion Mureșan
Moderator: Bogdan Crețu
HOUR 5 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Adriana Babeți – 75 anniversary
Guests: Mircea Mihăieș, Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu, Livius Ciocârlie, Mircea Martin, Ioan Cristescu.
Public Buddies (Amicii Publici) movie screening, which recreates the documentation and making of the The Woman in Red novel, written by three authors: Adriana Babeți, Mircea Mihăieș and Mircea Nedelciu, whose action takes place in Comloșul Mare, Timișoara, Chicago and Vienna.
Adriana Babeți is a writer, university professor and Knight of the Arts and Letters Order of the French Republic.
HOUR 5.30 pm
Aula of the „Carol I” Central University Library, Calea Victoriei 88
The Gaze of Literature Conference by Cato Lein (Sweden)
With the participation of producer Karin Starre
„In 2002 we had an exhibition at the Hedengren bookstore in Stockholm with the author’s portraits. The founder and former director of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Stockholm (RCI Stockholm), Dan Shafran, came to the exhibition. I was asked if I wanted to start a collaboration with them. The mission was to photograph writers and poets from Romania, but also those who came to visit Stockholm. Through a grant from the Cultural Institute, I got a list of writers and poets and their phone numbers. I packed my bags and there were a total of three trips to Bucharest and meetings with writers and poets in Stockholm. I have photographed many of them several times and they are and remain my friends.” (Cato Lein)
Screening of Eclectic in Bucharest movie about Cato Lein’s project in Bucharest.
Presented by: Loreta Popa
HOUR 6 pm
Deutsche Schule Bukarest, 20 G Coralilor Street
Public reading by Carmen – Francesca Banciu in German
HOUR 6 pm
Chinese Cultural Centre in Bucharest, 34 Batiștei Street
Chinese Moon Festival
In celebration of the upcoming Chinese Moon Festival, the event features readings of Chinese and Romanian poems about the Moon, live traditional Chinese music by visiting Chinese musicians and festival experiences, including making and tasting mooncakes. Readings of Chinese poems will be subtitled in Romanian language.
Public readings: Adrian Alui Gheorghe, Ioan Pintea
HOUR 6.30 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Relational poetic workshop with Răzvan Țupa
Participation in the workshop is free and access is based on the confirmation received after registration.
HOUR 6 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Permanent exhibition presentation in English.
HOUR 6.30 pm
Cervantes Institute, 38 Regina Elisabeta Boulevard
Public reading of poet Evelio Miñano Martínez (Spain) and writer Matei Vișniec (Romania/France), whose poems are translated by Evelio Miñano Martínez.
The event will be followed by a dialogue between the two guests.
HOUR 7 pm
NMLR Garden, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Debate: About the limits of literature
Guests: Cristian Fulaș, Bogdan Crețu
HOUR 7.30 pm
Aula of the „Carol I” Central University Library, Calea Victoriei 88
Public readings: Bengt Berg (Sweden), Mehmet Can Doğan (Türkiye), Gellu Dorian (Romania), Tatiana Faia (Portugal), Pedro Larrea (Spain/USA), Cassian Maria Spiridon (Romania), Mircea Măluț (Romania), Iuliana Miu (Romania), Cosmin Perța (Romania), Ioan Pintea (România), Eduard Sanahuja Yll (Spain), Maria Șleahtițchi (Republic of Moldova), Rhys Trimble (Great Britain)
Moderator: Cosmin Perța
HOUR 8.30 pm
Aula of the „Carol I” Central University Library, Calea Victoriei 88
„The need for angels” („Nevoia de îngeri”) music and poetry performance
With the participation of actors Flaviu Crișan, Radu Bânzaru, Ioana Chelmuș. Music: Emil Viciu, voice, guitar. Guests: Cătălin Chivu, percussion, and Ciprian Tănăsescu, editor. Lyrics by Radu Cristian Constantin.
HOUR 5 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
How do we translate poetry?
Jean Poncet (France) în dialogue with Dinu Flămând (Romania) and Victor Ivanovici (Romania/Greece)
Moderator: Dinu Flămând
The event will be held in French.
HOUR 5 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Opening of The Glimpses of infinite symmetry exhibition by Vlad Țenu
The exhibition brings together works and prototypes from the „Miniplex” and „Synthetic Nature” series, as well as a new creation, and is part of Vlad Țenu’s retrospective that marks 10 years since the artist’s first personal exhibition in his native country, Romania, organized this year at Galateca gallery. His art installations are modular structures, irregular looking organic forms reminding of sea creatures or organic forms from nature, but with an underlying symmetrical rigor. Their fluid geometries are generated using algorithms, mathematical rules and symmetry.
Vlad Țenu is a Romanian-British architect based in London. From architectural design to his academic work and from art installations or modular assembly systems to wearable art pieces, Vlad’s experimental design works constitute a continuous research and exploration of spatiality and materiality.
Curator: Andreea Sandu
Partner: Galateca Gallery
Coordinator: Monica Morariu
The presentation will be held in English.
HOUR 6 pm
ARCUB, Big Hall, Lipscani Street 84 – 90
Performance evening: Higyed Alexandru (Romania) & Andreea Ioniță (Romania), Florin Dan Prodan (Romania), Sorin Despot (Romania), Lorena Enache (Romania), Mugur Grosu (Romania), Angyal Gyula (Ungaria), Radu Nițescu (Romania), Peter Sragher (Romania).
Moderator: Peter Sragher
HOUR 6 pm
NMLR headquarters, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Public readings: Adrian Alui Gheorghe (Romania), Ana Andrei (Romania), Angela Baciu (Romania), Ruxandra Cesereanu (Romania), Maria Ciurea (Romania), João Luís Barreto Guimarães (Portugal), Leo Butnaru (Moldova), Rita Chirian (Romania), Nicolae Coande (Romania), Joyelle McSweeney (USA), Marko Pogačar (Croatia), Horst Samson (Germany), Anca Vasiliu (Romania/France), Simona Popescu (Romania).
Moderator: Cosmin Perța
Cătălina Beța and Albert Tajti Concert
HOUR 7.30 pm
NMLR headquarters, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
„Talking to the poets…”
Evening of music and poetry with Ovidiu Mihăilescu and Alexandru Turcu
HOUR 8 pm
Cărtureşti Module, 18-20 Academy Street
Romanian poets in the Romanced Biographies series of Polirom
Guests: Cosmin Ciotloș, Bogdan Crețu, Cristian Fulaș, Cosmin Perța
HOUR 1 pm
Bucharest Metropolitan Library, 4 Tache Ionescu Street
Remember Marin Mincu
Guests: Mihail Gălățanu, Mugur Grosu, Bruno Mazzoni, Cosmin Perța, Octavian Soviany, Grigore Șoitu, Nicolae Tzone, Nina Vasile, Miruna Vlada
Moderator: Octavian Soviany.
HOUR 1 pm
Cărturești Module, 18-20 Academiei Street
Poetry reading for children
Guests: Carmen Tiderle, Lavinia Braniște, Simona Epure.
HOUR 2 pm
Cărturești Module, 18-20 Academiei Street
Reading from the volumes The Tale of Two Tiger Cubs, named Ninigra and Aligru, Prince Miorlau and Redhead-like-brass and the seven ratters by Nina Cassian
Guests: Anca-Maria Pănoiu (Frontiera Publishing House) in dialogue with Loreta Popa and Marcela Motoc
HOUR 3 pm
NMLR attic, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Creative workshop „Poetry in life”
The history of the Poetry in Life creative workshop began in 1998 and, with a break between 2002 and 2004, it lasted until 2007; then, with some sessions in Spain, between 2009 and 2016, and in Romania, resumed from 2023 with an unchanged vision from the beginning to today. In the 90s, there was almost the only poetry workshop in Bucharest that held, not only that, what is called a „creative writing workshop”. It has an interdisciplinary and still singular formula, through the concept that goes beyond the idea of ”learning to write”; because it constantly redefines the condition of poetry, of the poet as a complex artist, but also its perception. The meaning of the creative workshop itself, from the beginning, given its very name – poetry in life – undoubtedly places it, with all the discretion in which it has been carried out all these years, in the vanguard of a literary phenomenon that has only now become visible.
Coordinator: Nina Vasile
HOUR 4 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Presentation of the permanent exhibition in French.
HOUR 5 pm
Cărtureşti Module, 18-20 Academy Street
Mornin’ Poets. From idea to cultural brand. The first 100 workshops
Poets are said to be lazy, get up late, and you can’t count on them to be on time for a meeting. We try to dismantle all these untruths with a series of morning poets, with fresh texts and especially with a lot of coffee. On Sundays from 11am to 2pm, with a bi-monthly frequency, Mornin’ Poets launches into orbit. Mornin’ Poets is a series of five poetry workshops, where we write, read and discuss poems or ideas about writing, our art and its movement across the country. Each lecturer will propose a writing topic, so, at the workshop, the students will receive feedback on their submitted poems. The project started in the fall of 2018, with a first season, which included the following coaches: Miruna Vlada, Elena Vlădăreanu, Svetlana Cârstean, Sorin Despot and Claudiu Komartin. 2020 meant the move to online, for pandemic reasons, and at the end of 2021 we adapted the workshops to the needs of the learners with a hybrid format, which we still use now. By September 2024, the Mornin’ Poets figures speak for us: 94 workshops, 91 different coaches, 19 seasons and many poems published in magazines and even in their own volumes from prestigious publishers.
Guests: Andrei Zbîrnea (Mornin’ Poets project manager and poet), Constantin Buduleci (Mornin’ Poets student & poet), Anca-Ioana Câdă (Mornin’ Poets student & poet), Romina Hamzeu (Mornin’ Poets student & poet), Cosmin Perța (Mornin’ Poets writer and trainer), Miruna Romanciuc (Mornin’ Poets student Mornin’ Poets & poet), Miruna Vlada (Mornin’ Poets writer and trainer), Andrada Yunusoglu (Mornin’ Poets student & poet).
HOUR 5 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Public readings: Romulus Bucur (Romania), Mina Decu (Romania), Mariangela Gualtieri (Italy), Bruno Mabille (France), Ștefan Manasia (Romania), Ioan Matiuț (Romania), Marin Mălaicu-Hondrari (Romania), Sébastien Minaux (France), Andrei Mocuța (Romania), Étienne Paulin (France), Đorđe Sibinović (Serbia), Moni Stănilă (Romania), Robert Șerban (Romania), Pavel Șușară (Romania), Alexandru Vakulovski (Romania), Miruna Vlada (Romania), Florina Zaharia (Romania).
Moderator: Dan Burcea (Romania/France)
HOUR 6 pm
ARCUB, Atelier Hall, 84 – 90 Lipscani Street
Evening of poetic performances by the participants in the workshop held by Andy Willoughby (Great Britain)
O R A 7.30 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Literary improvisation with the writer Călin Andrei Mihăilescu
O R A 7 pm
Aula of the „Carol I” Central University Library, Calea Victoriei 88
Fado concert: Cristina Dascălescu, Ricardo Caria, Paul Edeleni
HOUR 11 am
NMLR garden, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Release of the fantasy novel Posh, by Gabriela Toma (Ars Libri Publishing House, 2024)
A children’s book, which parents must also read on a Sunday, the most suitable day to create a house of stories and a hunt for treasures and clues. Important guests of Thomasina’s Workshops, storytellers, travelers in the world of stories and illustrators will participate. There will be with us: Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu, Dan Mircea Cipariu, Laura Greaca, Livia Greaca, Albert Toma and the discoverers of the world of Posh before it appeared into the world: Matei Nițulescu, Loreta Popa, Anița Grigoriu, Radu Băieșu, Daniel-Paul Ciobanu.
HOUR 5 pm
NMLR attic, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Reading #2: Radu Stanca & Doti Stanca
Letters Festival organized by Hearth Association
HOUR 6 pm
ARCUB, Big Hall, 84 – 90 Lipscani Street
Participants’ presentations in the Relational Poetic Workshop held by Răzvan Țupa
HOUR 7.30 pm
Aula of the „Carol I” Central University Library, Calea Victoriei 88
Public readings: Dan Mircea Cipariu (Romania), Jeannette L. Clariond (Mexic, video), Teodora Coman (Romania), Ioana Crăciunescu (Romania), Andrew Davidson Novosivschei (Romania), Ioana Diaconescu (Romania), Cristina Drăghici (Romania), Constantin Iftime (Romania), Emanuela Ignațoiu Sora (Romania), Iustin Moraru (Romania), Andrei Novac (Romania), Alina Purcaru (Romania), Viorica Răduță (Romania), Livia Roșca (Romania), Arthur Suciu (Romania).
Moderator: Cosmin Perța
HOUR 7.30 pm
NMLR headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Contemporary movie evening with director Alexandru Solomon
Shout in the eardrum. An unconventional chronicle of the Romanian literary and artistic avant-garde.
The film recreates the atmosphere of those years of madness (1916 – 1947) in the spirit of the avant-garde, with the help of their specific means (collage, absurd associations). 1993, 27 min., Beta SP./ Version. Romanian, English. Producer: FAV A film by: Radu Igazsag and Alexandru Solomon.
Duo for Paoloncel and Petronom
Paul Celan, one of the greatest German-language poets of the century, spent his youth in Bucovina and Bucharest. This artistic documentary is made as a poetic dialogue between Celan and his friend, the writer Petre Solomon, against the background of the turbulent history of the years 1940-1947. 1994, 27 min., Beta SP. / Romanian, English, German version. Producer: FAV A film by: Alexandru Solomon
Zurich Chronicle
Zurich, 100 years since the birth of Tristan Tzara and 80 years since the birth of Dadaism… The Zurich Chronicle is a documentary about what remains alive of this movement, to which contributed Marcel Iancu, Arthur Segal and, especially Tristan Tzara, all three originally from Romania. 1996, 40 minutes, Beta SP / Romanian, French version.
English version (28 min.) Producer: FAV Made with the support of: PRO HELVETIA Foundation
HOUR 8.30 pm
NMRL headquarter, 8 Nicolae Crețulescu Street
Analia Selis and Mariano Castro Concert
HOUR 9 pm
Aula of the „Carol I” Central University Library, Calea Victoriei 88
LETOPISEȚ RELOADED – „The Beatles reinterpreted” concert held by Anton Pann Chamber Ensemble of Early Music