TEODORA COMAN is the author of five poetry books: the attic mole (2012), unfair advantages (2015), soft guerrilla (2017), all released by Max Blecher Publishing House, Lucy (2021) by Tracus Arte Publishing House and Piece of resistance by Nemira Publising House, the Vorpal Collection.
Several of the volumes were nominated for the Sofia Nădejde Awards (unfair advantages, Lucy) and Radio Romania Cultural Awards (Piece of resistance). Since 2011, he is one of the editors of Poesis International magazine.
Her texts have been included in various anthologies: The longest day – coord. Aleksandar Stoicovici, 2011, released by Herg Benet Publishing House; The European Biennale of Women’s Poetry from Brașov – 2013, coord. by Andrei Bodiu, released by Casa Cărții de Știință Publishing House; A century of Romanian poetry written by women – 2019, coord. by Alina Purcaru and Paula Erizanu, released by Cartier Publishing House; You, first of all. Anthology of contemporary love poetry – coord. by Cosmin Perța, 2018, released by Paralela 45 Publishing House; anthology of contemporary Romanian female poetry, 2021, coord. by Cătălina Iliescu Gheorghiu, Romanian-Spanish bilingual edition: Sombras, incendios y desvanes. Ten Romanian poetas (1961-1980), released by Vaso Roto Publishing House.
Also, groups of his poems were translated into Polish, Turkish, German, Slovenian, Hungarian, Italian and English.