RĂZVAN ŢUPA (b. 1975, in Brăila) works as a journalist for Aleph News. He is in charge of book selection and introductions for “citEști platform.

poetic: interfața sonoră [poetic: the sound interface] (Cartier Publishing House, 2022) is his most recent book of poetry.His poetry books include also fetiş [fetish] (Semne Publishing House, 2001), which won ex aequo the “Mihai Eminescu” National Award for literary debut, corpuri româneşti [romanian bodies] (Cartea Românească Publishing House, 2005) and poetic. cerul din delft şi alte corpuri româneşti [poetic. the sky in delft and other romanian bodies] (Max Blecher Publishing House, 2011). 

He devised “Poetics of the quotidian”, a series of weekly literary meetings that went on for five years (145 meetings). The initial “Poetics of the quotidian” format was changed in 2010 in “Atelierelational”, writing workshops aimed to promote a relational approach to poetry.

He also published Poeticile cotidianului de la Seri de literatură în mişcare la Republica poetica împreună cu Răvan Țupa  [The Poetics of the quotidian in movement from Literary evenings in movement the Poetic republic together with Răzvan Țupa] (Casa de Pariuri Literare Publishing House, 2015) and Poetic. Relația grafică [Poetic. The graphic Relation] (Casa de Pariuri Literare Publishing House, 2022), with drawings by Ioana Miron.

He performed poetry in Berlin, Bratislava, Budapest, New York, Prague, Paris, Rome, Stockholm, Tel Aviv and Zagreb.

Răzvan Țupa is a member of PEN Club Romania and writes on poetic.ro.