NINA VASILE (b.1969) is a writer and a member of the Romanian Writers’ Union (since 1998) who has a BA in philosophy (1998), an MA in Literary Theory (2000) and a PhD in aesthetics (the thesis title: B. Fondane’s Existential Aesthetics, 2021) awarded by the University of Bucharest. She is currently teaching philosophy at several high schools in Bucharest. She has authored three poetry books: Albert locuitorul/Albert the Inhabitant (Pontica Publishing House), Distanța din miezul nopții/The Distance at Midnight (Maxim Publishing House), both published in 1997, Poeme de putere sau totul se transformă la cea mai mică atenție/Poems of Power or Everything Changes at the Slightest Sign of Attention (2011).

During the interval 2008-2016 she lived in Spain, where she was actively involved both in the Spanish cultural environment and in the Romanian diaspora. In 2017 she published the essay entitled Calea poeziei/The Way of Poetry at Eikon Publishing House, a book which grasps the vision of the experimental and interdisciplinary Atelier/Workshop which she organized in Romania for over 10 years – an event which, for many years, used to be unique in the Romanian poetic space.

Her work was anthologized in Poezia română actuală/Present-Day Romanian Poetry, as well as in the Euridice Cenacle archives, edited under the supervision of the literary critic Marin Mincu, the one who kept track of her presence on the cultural stage of Bucharest and stated that she is a poet whose work has a “visionary” quality, on the one hand, but, on the other hand, she is also some sort of unpoetic poet, her writing being sometimes redolent or urmuz.

She is better known thanks to the creative workshop „Poezie în viață”/Poetry in Life, as well as to the annual contests she organized at the Metropolitan Library during the interval 1998-2007 and she is currently organizing at the National Museum of Literature in Bucharest. Among those who attended the Atelier/Workshop on a regular basis are some of the poets of the 2000s who have been noted, published and awarded prizes – adrian urmanov, Andrei Peniuc, Răzvan Țupa, Ovia Herbert, Cătălina Matei, Gabriela Toma, Ania Vilal, Adrian Diniș.