Jean Poncet

Jean Poncet

Jean Poncet was born in 1949 in Marseilles (France). He is the author of nine collections of verses (which have been translated into more than half a dozen languages). He is also the translator of numerous Romanian and English-speaking poets. In 1997 he was awarded the Lucian Blaga Prize for his contribution to the understanding of Romanian poetry in France. In 2016 he began working on the bilingual edition of Lucian Blaga’s complete poetical works.

He is currently one of the hosts of the « Voix Vives » Mediterranean poetry Festival in Sète (France).


  • Jean Poncet’s poetry translated into Romanian

Poeme / Poèmes, Cogito, translated by Valeriu Stancu, 1997 

Lanuri de dragoste arse / Champs d’amour brûlés, translated by Rodica Bogdan, Helicon, 1997

Lumina tăcerii, translated by Elena-Brândușa Steiciuc and Horia Bădescu, Eikon, 2014

Viața profundă / La Vie profonde, translated by Valeriu Stancu, Timpul, 2022

  • Romanian works translated into French by Jean Poncet

Lucian Blaga ou Le chant de la terre et des étoiles, Sud, 1996 (Grand prize of the 1996 Oradea Poetry Festival)

Lucian Blaga: Poezii / Poésies, Libra, 1997 (1997 Grand prize of the City of Cluj, Special prize for translation of the 1998 Lucian Blaga Festival in Cluj)

Voix de Roumanie (Georges Astalos, Horia Bădescu, Cezar Ivănescu, Valeriu Stancu, Ioan Țepelea), SUD, 1997

Ioan Țepelea (1949-2012), Encres Vives, 2012

Mihaela Albu et Dan Anghelescu: Les Revues littéraires de l’exil roumain — Luceafărul (Paris, 1948-1949), Romanian Cultural Institute, 2013

Lucian Blaga: Integrala operei poetice / Œuvres poétiques complètes, Editura Școala Ardeleană / Jacques André éditeur :

Poemele luminii / Les Poèmes de la lumière, 2016 (2017 Convorbire Literare prize for translation)

Pașii profetului / Les Pas du prophète, 2017

În marea trecere / Dans le grand passage, 2018 (2018 George Coșbuc Grand prize)

Lauda somnului / Éloge du sommeil, 2020

Vasile George Dâncu: Universul Mama / Maman Univers, Jacques André éditeur, 2018

George Vulturescu: Pietrele Nordului / Les Pierres du Nord, Jacques André éditeur, 2018 

Cassian Maria Spiridon: Darul lacrimilor / Le Don des larmes, Jacques André éditeur, 2019

Mihaela Albu: 10 Poeme / 10 Poèmes, Editura Aius, 2020

Vasile Dâncu: Cântecul satului / Le Chant du village, Jacques André éditeur, 2021

Ana Blandiana: Șapte poeme / Sept poèmes in Clair de mort, Éditions Unicité, 2022

Ana Blandiana: Variațiuni pe o temă dată / Variations sur un thème donné, Jacques André éditeur, 2022

Daniel Corbu: Sfaturi de amăgit întunericul / Conseils pour tromper les ténèbres, Jacques André éditeur, 2023

Dan Stoica: Declarație de dragoste / La belle menteuse, Éditions Petra, 2023