IUSTIN MORARU, born on March 11, 1944, in the village of Orosfaia, Milaș commune, Bistrița-Năsăud county, is a poet and prose writer, member of the Romanian Writers’ Union. In 1962 he graduated from the Ady-Șincai High School in Cluj-Napoca. After two years of Philology – the Faculty of the Romanian Language and Literature – he attended the Faculty of Electrotechnics, within the Polytechnic Institute of the same city, graduating in 1969. For 22 years, from 1969 to 1990, he was a journalist, working successively for the publications: Scânteia tineretului, Autoturism, Romania pitorească, and Dimineața. He debuted with verses in 1962, in Tribuna magazine. He was part of the group, with Eugen Uricaru, Dinu Flămând, Ion Mircea, Marian Papahagi, Adrian Popescu and others, who founded the cenacle Echinox and the and the magazine with the same name, which has been published without interruption for over 50 years. His editorial debut was in 1972, with the book of poems, La poarta pietrelor, published by Dacia Publishing House.
Published books (selective): Poetry – Despărțirea fiului, Dacia Publishing House, 1976; Trăind într-o rază, Eminescu Publishing House, 1982; Pasăre liberă, Cartea Românească Publishing House, 2004; Dirijorul de vise, TipoMoldova Publishing House, 2016; Cușca leului liber, TipoMoldova Publishing House, 2016; Ferestre între lumi, eLiterature Publishing House, 2018; Scări și capcane, author’s anthology, Școala Ardeleană Publishing House, 2020; Nectarul clipei, Junimea Publishing House, 2020; O sută și una de poezii, anthology, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 2022; Lumina din înserare, Școala Ardeleană Publishing House, 2022.
Prose – Vina, novel, Albatros Publishing House, 1980; second edition, revised and added, TipoMoldova Publishing House, 2015; Părinții abstracți, novel, Albatros Publishing House, 1983, second edition, revised and added, Studis Publishing House, 2013.