Dan Burcea is a Franco-Romanian literary critic, translator and cultural correspondent. He publishes book reviews and interviews in the Romanian literary press, in such magazines as Observator cultural and Suplimentul de cultură. As a translator, he has collaborated with the Curtea veche, Ideea europeana and Sapienția publishing houses but he has also contributed to French publications, such as the renowned Nouvelle Revue Française. Besides, he worked with Spandugino Publishing House as the coordinator of the collection of novels translated from French.

After a career as a teacher of Romanian language and literature he emigrated to France where he continued his journalistic career collaborating with various French publications. Here he founded the online literary journal Lettres Capitales – becoming the editor-in-chief of the publication which was awarded the Rive Gauche Prize for the best online literary journal in France. Lettres Capitales is the official partner of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Paris and of the International Poetry Festival in Bucharest. When outlining the vision he intends to impart to his literary magazine he writes:

My intention has been to impose a structured, visible form upon what I define as my literary journey, which is so dear to my heart and which I have undertaken from Paris to Bucharest and back. I am deeply convinced of its richness and continuity to which so many illustrious names who have contributed to the construction of modernity stand witness. […] I have only one unchanging wish – namely, to help as many readers as possible to fall in love with literature, “the only mirror able to reflect our face without shattering to pieces”, as one of my friends, the writer Yasmina Khadra says.

In the same capacity as a journalist and literary critic, Dan Burcea participates as a guest in various television programmes organized by Librarie Gallimard in Paris.

Dan Burcea provides the francophone authors all over the world with a chance to speak about their representative literary genres – whether poetry, short story, novel, research, plastic arts, aso.