ANDREI ZBÎRNEA (1986, Urziceni) is a poet, copywriter, promoter and cultural journalist. His most recently published poetry collection is nick cave@bergen (Casa de Pariuri Literare, Bucharest, 2021). Involved in the cultural projects Mornin’ Poets and Poetic Hub (events focusing on the poetry of the youngest authors). Coordinator of the jury of the “Gellu Naum” Poetry Festival (since 2020, middle and high school). He constantly publishes texts about poetry and progressive rock albums in Familia, Matca Literară and on the platform Citeștemă.ro. He is working on the volume Soap Valley. Poems of the Fairy-Queen, due out in 2024 or 2025. Member of PEN Romania since 2019. Fan of Borussia Dortmund and The Office (the State version).