ANA ANDREI (b. 1977, in Craiova) is a writer and teacher. She took a degree at the Faculty of Letters and History in Craiova in 1999 and her master’s in 2009. She teaches Romanian language and literature at the Gheorghe Chițu National Economic College in Craiova and has published reviews and articles in the journals Ateneu (2020-2023), Mozaicul (2021-2023), SpectActor (2022-2023), Liternet (2022), Bucovina Literară (2022), Argeș (2023). Her poems have been published in Neuma (2019), Ateneu (2020), O mie de semne (2020), Mozaicul (2021), Vatra (2021), Argeș (2022), Teleorman cultural (2022) and TopLitera (2022). Her fiction has been published in TopLitera and in the Ringing Loudly the Bells anthology for the creative writing group Marin Preda. 100 (2022). She runs the “Smartopia” reading group along with Nicoleta Mihai and coordinates the “Poetry, open therapy” (POT) poetry group at the Craiova Students’ House. Ana Andrei participated in the creative workshops organized by the Ipotești Memorial and the Toplița “George Sbârcea” Municipal Library. Her books are Între un coșmar și o fotografie frumoasă [Between a Nightmare and a Beautiful Photograph], C.D.P.L., 2020 and Bărbații noștri de nisip [Our Men of Sand], Aius, 2022.