Adrian ALUI GHEORGHE was born on July 6 1958. In 2004 he completed his PhD in Philology. He has made his mark as a poet, novelist and essay writer. He has garnered many national awards for poetry as well as prose, chief among which being the 2001 Writer’s Union of Romania Award for the poetry book Îngerul căzut (The Fallen Angel) and the 2015 Writer’s Union of Romania Award for the novel Laika. Some of his best poetry books include:  Ceremonii insidioase – (Insidious ceremonies, 1985), Poeme în alb-negru (Poems in Black and White, 1987), Intimitatea absenţei (The intimacy of absence, 1992), Cântece de îngropat pe cei vii (Dirges for the living, 1993), Fratele meu, străinul (My brother, the stranger, 1995), Complicitate (Connivance, 1998), Îngerul căzut (The Fallen Angel, 2001), Gloria milei (Glory in Sympathy, 2003), Paznicul ploii (The Guardian of the Rain, 2010), Comunitatea artistică (The Artistic Community, 2020). His works have been translated in French, English, Russian, Serbian, German, Italian, Czech, Swedish, Hungarian, Slovak and Macedonian.