Marin MĂLAICU-HONDRARI (b. 1971, Sîngeorz-Băi) He published two poetry collections: Zborul femeii pe deasupra bărbatului/ The Flight of Women above Men, Eikon, 2004 – with which he won the Writers’ Union award, in Cluj; La două zile distanţă / Two Days of Distance, (Charmides , 2011). 

He has also published several novels: Cartea tuturor intenţiilor/ The Book of All Intentions (Vinea, 2006, Cartea Românească, 2008; Apropierea / The Comparison (Cartea Românească, 2010, Polirom, 2014). 

Based on this novel, the director Tudor Giurgiu has made a movie, Parking. Apropierea has been published in Poland under the name Bliskosc, Książkowe (Klimaty, 2015), and in Spain, under the title Cercanías (Traspies, 2015). 

Other titles: Lunetistul (The Sniper) (Polirom, 2013); Cinco poemas/ Five Poems, poetry, translated by Enrique Nogueras, Elena Borras Garcia and Alina Damian  (Traspies, 2013); Războiul Mondial al Fumătorilor / The World War of Smokers, a novel (Polirom 2015, 2017)

He is present in the following anthologies of poems: Camera / The Room), La neagra  / The Black Room, Jazz şi poezie / Jazz and Poetry).

He was one of the writers who participated in the writing of the fastest novel in the world, according to Guinness World Records, Mos Craciun & Co. (Santa Claus & Co.).

Fragments of his novels and poems have been translated into English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Serbian, Hungarian.